Pit Putty Social Media Strategy Change-Up

The team at Pit Putty came to me for a bit of direction on their social media strategy. They wanted to understand more about why they should be posting things and the objectives behind them. And what a great opportunity this was to not only just formulate the strategic direction for the brand, but also put the thinking into action!

What I was able to do is segment their communications into four key content pillars, as below:


This was based on competitor research as well as a more in-depth exploration of their target audience and how we talk to them in a way they’ll relate to.

The strategy document also included:

·       How to transform their business objective into actions on social media

·       Content strategy inclusive of content pillars, their objectives and their split across channel

·       Social media consumer portraits

·       Tone of voice exploration

·       B2B support on social media

·       Other wide digital marketing recommendations

And then it was the even fun bit, putting all this strategy into real life social media posts!

Here’s a few examples of these content pillars coming to life.